The intention is to bring Women from diverse cultures together to look at challenges in all Communities and in self development.

Personal Development : Business Funding Information by Commonwealth Women in Business

Society Development: Beliefs and Perceptions- The Impact of Abuse in home , work , social groups

Date : 1 July 2017
Time :1-3 pm
Venue: Forecourt of Soweto Theatre
Price:120.00 per person
Dress: Traditional

Please deposit money for ticket into NPO Bank account of Paws Academy
Accoune name : Paws Academy
Account Number 6250 2287 578
Branch : Fnb the Glen

Please email with name , contact cell number and email address , Will send confirmation of booking once tickets are reserved.

Or Purchase webtickets from Soweto Theatre on

Enquires : Please call Nisha on 083 308 9123
We welcome suggestions to give a voice to any much needed cause of a community.

Skills Uni-Tea 1 July 2017

The intention is to bring Women from diverse cultures together to look at challenges in all Communities and in self development.

Personal Development : Business Funding Information by Commonwealth Women in Business

Society Development: Beliefs and Perceptions- The Impact of Abuse in home , work , social groups

Date : 1 July 2017
Time :1-3 pm
Venue: Forecourt of Soweto Theatre
Price:120.00 per person
Dress: Traditional

Please deposit money for ticket into NPO Bank account of Paws Academy
Accoune name : Paws Academy
Account Number 6250 2287 578
Branch : Fnb the Glen

Please email with name , contact cell number and email address , Will send confirmation of booking once tickets are reserved.

Or Purchase webtickets from Soweto Theatre on

Enquires : Please call Nisha on 083 308 9123
We welcome suggestions to give a voice to any much needed cause of a community.

Traditional Tea from Soweto to Sandton

We are having our first Tea Party in Soweto on 25.3.2017, followed by the next Traditional Tea Party held in Sandton  on 29 April 2017, The intention is to bring women together and then plan what we do . We  share Inner healing . We need a diverse group , Please show up to bring solutions.

We need to do a similar project for our Male Community , Still in planning ,

Donation 50.00 per person

Date: 25 March 2017

Time :2 – 4 pm

Dress : Traditional

Tea and scone/cake will be served

But the best ingredient is the LOVE we share as SISTERS

Rsvp To Nisha Singh at

Cell: 0833089123

Travel logistics will be communicated to all who have reserved

Our Powerful mind

The mind is the wind that brings to us the smell – foul or fragrant from the world. When the mind turns towards foul, it makes you disgusted. When it turns towards the fragrant, you become happy. The wind gathers the cloud from four quarters; similarly your mind brings into your consciousness many disappointments. It is also the same mind of yours, which scatters away the clouds that darken it or make it feel lost in the night of doubt. Control the mind and you will remain unruffled at all times. This is the secret to undisturbed peace – Shanti, and this is the education that all of you must first secure firmly. To gain this equanimity, you do not need high degrees, but systematic spiritual effort (Sadhana). Then you will be always happy, whether you are poor or rich, appreciated or criticised, prosperous or unlucky. That is an armour without which it is foolish to enter the arena of life.

– Divine Discourse, Dec 20, 1958.

A peaceful mind is the abode of love. – Baba

Let us support each other

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